Our buyer advisors have decades of experience and are backed by data scientists to determine a fair price and negotiate the best terms with sales agents. They know the golden rules of property investment and can identify which ones tend to perform better over the years. In challenging market conditions, they give you the insider advantage to get ahead of the pack.
In a hot market, you may find prices are increasing faster than you can buy within your budget. LongView’s buyer advisors can help you find, negotiate, and secure your dream home quicker and for less money.
Buying a home generally involves lots of boxes to tick and butterflies in your stomach. If you have purchased properties only once or twice in your lifetime, it’s hard to make an objective search and know the tricks used by the sellers. That’s why you need a professional who understands your family needs and financial circumstances to secure the best houses that are not visible to everyone. Using our network, we source a range of properties speaking with agents, researching, and attending inspections while providing detailed reports.
We realised that most Australians seek professional support to sell their houses, but relatively few are aware of the hidden risks involved in buying on their own. That’s very concerning given the costs of transaction fees and the impact in lifestyle. Having been involved in thousands of property acquisitions, we’ve observed that the difference between a good and a bad purchase might represent over a million dollars over ten years, not to mention the huge impact in lifestyle.
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Our buyer advisors help you through all of the major steps in finding and purchasing a new home, and work to ensure a better buying outcome for you and your family.
Market knowledge and data to level the playing field with sales agents.
Market knowledge and data to level the playing field with sales agents.
Secure A-grade properties faster to protect your purchase power.
Avoid the wrong decisions that might cause stress and financial impact.
LongView helps people live in better homes and build a legacy for future generations through fact-based property decisions.
We realised that most Australians seek professional support to sell their houses, but relatively few are aware of the hidden risks involved in buying on their own. Our buyer advisors leverage industry-leading data analytics and decades of experience to identify the best properties, determine a fair price, and negotiate the best terms with sales agents. They understand your family needs and financial circumstances to secure the opportunities that are not visible to everyone.
Complete the form below to receive a call back from our Buyer Advisor team.